Catalog of russian films

Name of the seriesName of the series in EnglishNumber of episodesPeriod
1АвантюристкаAdventure Seeker20The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
2АвтобусThe Bus16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
3Агент национальной безопасности National Security Agent12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
4Агент национальной безопасности - 2National Security Agent 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
5Агент национальной безопасности - 3National Security Agent 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
6Агент национальной безопасности - 4National Security Agent 412The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
7Агент национальной безопасности - 5National Security Agent 512The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
8Агент особого назначенияSpecial Agent12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
9Агентство "Золотая пуля"«Golden Bullet» Agency24The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
10Агония страхаAgony of Fear12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
11АэропортThe Airport30The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
12Аэропорт - 2The Airport 230The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
14Бандитский Петербург. Часть 4 "Арестант". Часть 5 "Опер". Часть 6 "Журналист"Petersburg Underworld. Part 4. The Prisoner. Part 5. The Operative. Part 6. The Journalist19The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
15Бандитский Петербург. Часть 7 "Передел"Petersburg Underworld. Part 7. The Rearrangement12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
16Бандитский Петербург. Часть 8 "Терминал"Petersburg Underworld. Part 8. The Terminal12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
17Бандитский Петербург. Часть 9 "Голландский пассаж"Petersburg Underworld. Part 9. The Dutch Passage12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
18Бандитский Петербург. Часть 10 "Расплата"Petersburg Underworld. Part 10. Payday12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
19БогатствоThe Wealth12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
20БомжHomeless12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
21БратваThe Hoodlums12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
22ВерсияVersion12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
23Версия - 2Version - 28The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
24Возвращение СиндбадаThe Return of Sindbad12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
25ВрачThe Doctor12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
26Время жестокихTimes of Savages12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
27ГончиеThe Hounds12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
28Гончие - 2The Hounds 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
29Гончие - 3The Hounds 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
30Горыныч и ВикторияGorynych and Victoria12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
31Господа присяжныеDear Jury12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
32Государственная защитаProtected by the State12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
34Гражданин начальник - 2The Boss 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
35Гражданин начальник - 3The Boss 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
36Девятый отделThe Ninth Division12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
37Девять жизней Нестора МахноThe nine Lives of Nestor Makhno12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
39Дети АрбатаChildren of Arbat16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
40Дети белой богиниThe Children of the White Goddess 12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
41Дорогой мой человекMy Dear Man16
42Дорожный патрульRoad Patrol8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
43Дорожный патруль - 2Road Patrol - 28The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
44Дорожный патруль - 3Road Patrol - 38The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
45Дорожный патруль - 4Road Patrol - 464
46Дюжина правосудияThe Justice Dozen12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
47Еще не вечерIt's Not Too Late12
48Жизнь и смерть Лёньки ПантелееваThe Life and Death of Lyonka Panteleyev8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
49Завещание Ленина Lenin's Testament12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
50Защита КрасинаThe Krasin Defense12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
51Защита Красина - 2The Krasin Defense 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
52Золотые парниBoys of Gold14The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
53Иванов и РабиновичIvanov and Rabinovich8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
55Из жизни капитана ЧерняеваFrom the Life of Captain Chernyayev12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
56КатеринаKaterina8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
57Катерина. Возвращение любвиKaterina. The Return of Love 8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
58КлеймоThe Brand12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
60Конвой PQ – 17Convoy PQ – 178The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
61КонтораThe Department12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
62Косвенные уликиIndirect Evidence8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
63Криминальное видеоCriminal Video 12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
64Криминальное видео - 2Criminal Video - 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
65Кровавый кругCircle of Blood12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
67Крот-2The Mole 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
68КуклаThe Puppet12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
69Легенда о ТампукеLegend of Tampuk8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
70Литовский транзит Часть 1 "Летний снег". Часть 2 "Последний танец". Часть 3 "Звонок с того света". Часть 4 "Охота на "Корсара"Lithuanian Transit12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
71Мамочка, я киллера люблюMom, I’m in Love with a Hitman 12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
72Мент в законеCop-in-Law16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
73Мент в законе - 2Cop-in-Law 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
74Мент в законе - 3Cop-in-Law 316The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
75Мент в законе - 4Cop-in-Law 416The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
76Ментовские войныCop Wars12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
77Ментовские войны - 2Cop Wars 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
78Ментовские войны - 3Cop Wars 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
79Ментовские войны - 4Cop Wars 48The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
80Ментовские войны - 5 (сер. 1-8)Cop Wars 5 (epis. 1-8)8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
81Ментовские войны - 5 (сер. 9-16)Cop Wars 5 (epis. 9-16)8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
82Ментовские войны. ЭпилогCop Wars. The Epilogue1 (2)The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
83Можно, я буду звать тебя мамой?May I Call You Mama?1 (2)The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
84Москва. Три вокзалаMoscow. Railroad Stations Plaza12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
85Москва. Три вокзала - 2Moscow. Railroad Stations Plaza 224The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
86МУР есть МУР!CID as it is8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
87МУР есть МУР! - 2CID as it is 28The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
88МУР есть МУР! - 3CID as it is 38The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
90На углу у Патриарших - 3On the Corner of Patriarshy Pond 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
91На углу у Патриарших - 4On the Corner of Patriarshy Pond 412The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
92Не родись красивым If You Are Not Born Beautiful1 (2)The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
93Не ссорьтесь, девочки! Don't Quarrel, Girls! 12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
94Объявлен в розыскMaking the Wanted List12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
95Один против всехOne Againts All12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
96ОмутThe Whirlpool 8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
97ОпергруппаThe Task Force12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
98Основная версияThe Main Version12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
99Очарование злаCharming ways of Evil6The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
100ПаутинаThe Web16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
101Паутина - 2The Web 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
102Паутина - 3The Web 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
103Паутина - 4The Web 416The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
104Пепел ФениксаThe Ashes of Phoenix12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
105Передел. Кровь с молокомThe Rearrangement: Blood and Milk12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
106Пером и шпагойThe Pen and the Sword12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
107Персона нон грата Persona Non Grata12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
108ПетляThe Noose12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
109Плата за любовь Cost of Love12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
110Под крышами большого городаUnder the Roofs of a Big City8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
111Попытка к бегствуFlight Attempt8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
112Последнее путешествие СиндбадаThe Last Trip of Sindbad12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
113Право на защитуRight of Defense12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
114Пятая группа кровиBlood type five16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
115Расписание судебFortunes Play12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
116Ребята из нашего городаGuys from our Town10The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
117Русское лекарство Russian Remedy18The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
118Русский шоколадRussian Chocolate24
119Секретная служба Его ВеличестваHis Majesty’s Secret Service12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
121СледопытPathfinder12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
122Соло для пистолета с оркестромSolo for a Handgun and an Orchestra12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
123Сонька – Золотая РучкаSonka the Golden Hand12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
124Спасатели. Критическая массаThe Rescuers. The Breaking Point2The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
125СпецгруппаThe Special Force16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
126Старые делаOld Cases12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
127СтилетStiletto10The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
128Стилет - 2Stiletto 2 12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
129Столыпин… Невыученные урокиStolypin. Lessons Unlearned14The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
133Сыщики - 2The Detectives 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
134Сыщики - 3 The Detectives 311The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
135Сыщики - 4The Detectives 412The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
136Сыщики - 5The Detectives 512The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
137Тайны следствияInvestigation Secrets16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
138Тайны следствия - 2Investigation Secrets 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
139Тайны следствия - 3Investigation Secrets 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
140Тайны следствия - 4Investigation Secrets 412The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
141Тайны следствия - 5Investigation Secrets 512The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
142Тайны следствия - 6Investigation Secrets 612The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
143Тайны следствия - 7 Investigation Secrets 712The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
144Тайны следствия - 8Investigation Secrets 812The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
145ТаксисткаWoman Taxi Driver12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
146Таксистка - 2Woman Taxi Driver 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
147Таксистка - 3Woman Taxi Driver 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
148Таксистка - 4Woman Taxi Driver 412The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
149Таксистка. Новый год по ГринвичуWoman Taxi Driver. The New Year a la Greenwich2The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
150Тамбовская волчицаShe Wolf8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
151Театр обреченныхThe Theater of the Doomed10The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
152ТелохранительBodyguard12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
153Телохранитель - 2Bodyguard - 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
154Телохранитель - 3 (сер.1-12) Фильм 1. Не свое дело Фильм 2. Как выглядит рай Фильм 3. Жизнь за сто миллионовBodyguard - 3 Film 1. Somebody Else’s Business Film 2. What paradise Looks Like Film 3. A One Hundred Million Life12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
155Телохранитель - 3 (сер.13-16) Фильм 4. Оборотень4The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
156УГРО CID12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
157УГРО - 2CID 2 12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
158Улицы разбитых фонарейStreets Of Broken Lights31The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
159Улицы разбитых фонарей - 2Streets Of Broken Lights 226The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
160Улицы разбитых фонарей - 3Streets Of Broken Lights 326The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
161Улицы разбитых фонарей - 4Streets Of Broken Lights 426The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
162Улицы разбитых фонарей - 5Streets Of Broken Lights 526The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
163Улицы разбитых фонарей - 6Streets Of Broken Lights 626The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
164Улицы разбитых фонарей - 7Streets Of Broken Lights 726The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
165Улицы разбитых фонарей - 8Streets Of Broken Lights 826The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
166Улицы разбитых фонарей - 9 (сер. 1-16)Streets Of Broken Lights 9 (epis. 1-16)16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
167Улицы разбитых фонарей - 9 (сер. 17-32)Streets Of Broken Lights 9 (epis. 17-32)16The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
168Улицы разбитых фонарей - 10 (сер. 1-16)Streets Of Broken Streetlights 10 (ser. 1-16)16
169Улицы разбитых фонарей - 10 (сер. 17-32)Streets Of Broken Streetlights 10 (ser. 17-32)16
170Утесов. Песня длиною в жизнь Utyosov: a Lifelong Song12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
171ФаворитFavorite8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
172Цвет пламениColor of the Flame 12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
173Черный ворон (сер.1-52)Black Raven (ser. 1-52)52The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
174Черный ворон (сер.53-64)Black Raven (ser. 53-64)12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
175Чужое лицоStrange Face8The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
176ШахматистChess Player12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
177ШерифThe Sheriff12
178ШтрафбатThe Penal Battalion11The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
180Эра СтрельцаThe Age of Sagittarius12The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
181Эра Стрельца - 2The Age of Sagittarius 212The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
182Эра Стрельца - 3The Age of Sagittarius 312The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
183Я все решу сама Фильм 1. Танцующая на волнахMy Decision. Wave Dancer6The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
184Я все решу сама Фильм 2. Голос сердцаMy Decision. The Voice from the Heart6The whole period of validity of the exclusive right
185Я тебя люблюI Love You10The whole period of validity of the exclusive right